· Free-hand drawing: a manual for teachers and students Item Preview remove-circle Share or Embed This Item. Share to Twitter. Share to Facebook. Share to Reddit. Free-hand drawing: a manual for teachers and students by Cross, Anson K. (Anson Kent), Publication date Topics Drawing Publisher Boston: Ginn Company. A painter, with such ideas and such habits, is indeed in a most hopeless state. The art of seeing Nature, or, in other words, the art of using models, is in reality the great object, the point to which all our studies are directed. Appears in 16 books from Page - Composition means, literally and simply, putting several things CHAPTER II: FREE-HAND DRAWING A MANUAL FOR TEACHERS AND STUDENTS BY ANSON K. CROSS. Instructor in the Massachusetts Normal Art School, and in the School of Drawing and Painting, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Author of Free-Hand Drawing, Light and Shade, and Free-Hand Perspective," and a Series of Text and Drawing Books for the Public Schools. PREFACE.
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