Equotip hardness tester user manual

Proceq's Equotip enables portable hardness inspection of almost any object, polished parts and heat-treated surfaces. The hardness measurements are made by using the dynamic rebound testing method according to Leeb, the static Portable Rockwell hardness test and the Ultrasonic Contact Impedance (UCI) method. The rugged Swiss-made metal NDT hardness testers are designed for portable . With Equotip Impact Device Leeb U automatic impact direction mode is not supported and the user must select the appropriate impact direction manually (90° down, 45° down, 0°). As for roll hardness testing no conversion curves are used, no material group has to be selected. Conduct impacts by cycling through “position and trigger”. 1. indentation hardness testing is either not feasible or not economical. The hardness tester EQUOTIP® 3 comprises an indicating device and an impact device. It is based on the rebound hardness testing method accord-ing to Leeb. It is for testing the hardness of all material surfaces over a large range of hardness quickly and independently. The unit displays in the hardness scales of: Leeb (HL) Vickers .

The PHT as with all dynamic portable hardness testers, is designed to test very large hard parts. Steel should be close to 1" thick of solid material. Softer metals need even more mass. The PHT portable hardness tester combines the universal impact device D and a data processor in a single unit. Fantastic condition GE Krautkramer TIV Hardness Tester for sale. This demo unit has no field use and shows very minimal signs of use. The buttons and touchscreen work nicely and the display is bright and crisp. The probe has no scratches and the kit comes in an easy to carry transport case. The unit as a whole functions perfectly, please check out the high resolution images for a closer look! The main - is the microhardness testing machine for AAV and , and Vickers hardness testing machine (refer to page 15) for AAV and Digital display of measurement results.

• Hardness testing using portable equipment can be performed on objects with differing shapes pro-vided that the hardness tester can be positioned vertical to the test surface and the area for testing is flat and smooth. For non-flat surfaces, please see chapter “ Using Equotip Leeb Support Rings”. With Equotip Impact Device Leeb U automatic impact direction mode is not supported and the user must select the appropriate impact direction manually (90° down, 45° down, 0°). As for roll hardness testing no conversion curves are used, no material group has to be selected. Conduct impacts by cycling through “position and trigger”. 1. King Tester Corporation is temporarily out ofourmanuals. We apologize forany inconvenience. Please accept these copies until we are able to update ourcurrent manuals. Once we receive them we will send you new ones. Thank you. THE KINO PORTABLE HARDNESS TESTER KiNe: KINGTESTER CORPORATION-\\.____. ~ King Manor Drive King ofPrussia, PA USA.


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