NOTE: The DP4 (version of firmware) comes with the default brightness set to 5. This is because the DP4 is very bright, and using the DP4 in EVF mode with the brightness at 10 can cause discomfort. When not using the EVF, the DP4’s brightness can be increased to 10, allowing for better outdoor usability. Detecto-Pak® 4 Users Manual Heath Consultants Incorporated Houston, TX Fax: Part # 01 - D Model # MM D P / 4 + R e f e r e n c e M a n u a l: Written, designed, and illustrated by: Tom Tracy, Bill Whipple, Jon Dattorro, John Senior.
DP4 4 CHANNEL DMX DIMMER PACK USER MANUAL UK Version INTRODUCTION The DP4 4 channel DMX dimmer pack has 4 channels each with 2 IEC power outputs per channel. It has 16 built-in chase programs or can be controlled by 4 channels DMX. • LED readout display • 16 built in chase programs • 4 Channel output. Part # 01 - D Model # MM D P / 4 + R e f e r e n c e M a n u a l: Written, designed, and illustrated by: Tom Tracy, Bill Whipple, Jon Dattorro, John Senior. The DP-4 evaluates children's functioning in just 20 to 40 minutes. It features norms-based standard scores, clear interpretive guidelines, and strong reliability and validity. Like previous versions, the DP-4 measures development across five scales: Physical: Large- and small-muscle coordination, strength, stamina, flexibility, and sequential.
DP4 CONTROL SERIES P.O. Box 10 W. th Street Zionsville, Indiana Phone () Fax () Instruction Manual LT78 (). Part # 01 - D Model # MM D P / 4 + R e f e r e n c e M a n u a l: Written, designed, and illustrated by: Tom Tracy, Bill Whipple, Jon Dattorro, John Senior. NOTE: The DP4 (version of firmware) comes with the default brightness set to 5. This is because the DP4 is very bright, and using the DP4 in EVF mode with the brightness at 10 can cause discomfort. When not using the EVF, the DP4’s brightness can be increased to 10, allowing for better outdoor usability.