This manual provides guidelines for design of storm drainage facili ties in the City of Richardson. The procedures outlined herein shall be followed for all drainage design and review of plans submitted to the City. SCOPE The information included in this manual has been developed through a. That the Code of Ordinances of the City of Richardson, Texas be, and the same is, hereby amended by amending Chapter 8, Article II, sections and in part, by Construction and design provisions. The construction and design provisions of this code shall apply to: 1. "NO PARKING FIRE LANE" or "FIRE LANE NO PARKING" shall. Get this from a library! Parking design manual.. [Parking Highway Improvement Contractors Association.;] City of Reno: Design Manual - The purpose of this manual is to establish minimum requirements for design, plans, testing, inspection, and supporting documents. The requirements herein, unless City of Richardson, TX: Residential Quick Code -.
2 Complete Streets Design Manual Adopted by City Council -Janu JANU. 4 City of Carlsbad Landscape Manual the Conceptual Landscape Plans. Note that the checklist does not encompass all of the landscape manual requirements, nor does it include the entire text of the listed items. The plan preparer should refer to the main text of the landscape manual to ensure that all of the design standards and 1. 42 Utilities and other infrastructure 1 95 43 Street Lighting 1
The City of Richardson has made available the Standard Construction Details in PDF format. However, since revisions or additions to the design file standards may occur at any time, the receiver agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the City of Richardson, its officers, agents, and employees from and against any and all claims, suits, losses, damages or costs, including reasonable. b. Design and Implementation of MP’s on Storm Water or Utility Plan Utility Plans Please check the Public Services Department Manual for General Procedures for the Design of Water and Sewer Lines in the City of Richardson, Texas. 1. Water a. Standard water and sewer notes (Attachment “”) b. Minimum 8” for main lines c. Water mains looped d. CITY OF RICHARDSON PARKING DESIGN MANUAL January23, City of Richardson - Traffic Engineering Transportation / COLLECTOR ARTERIAL ' '.