The current version of this guide is dedicated to the European flight planning system (IFPS), focussing on the fields impacted by the ICAO modifications (10a,10b and 18). An ICAO Flight Planning modifications e-learning module providing a detailed description of the modifications is also available via the EUROCONTROL Training Zone. · July 4 ICAO. 4 ATC Global 4 Afghanistan. INTER-4 4th Runway in Frankfurt TION OF AIR TRAFF ERA IC C FED. LLERS’ ASSNS. TRO ON. Also in this Issue: NATIO NAL. 4 I FATCA Annual. “CFMU Interface Manual for ICAO ” (UID), and. EUROCONTROL SPECIFICATION for ATS Data Exchange Presentation (ADEXP) These decisions and updates close the discussions on the following Safety Considerations; SC on the use of “significant point” SC on the acceptance of “EUR” SC on the use of “significant point”.
CFMU Interface Manual for ICAO (UID) IFPS RPL Dictionary of Messages (DOM) The URD describes all necessary changes, related to ICAO implementation, to be made to the CFMU systems. It is by definition a document that relates primarily to the CFMU systems. Some of the exchanges and data items described in the URD concern only CFMU. CFMU REQUIREMENTS URB/URD/_REQ Edition: Released iii REFERENCES 1. IFPS and RPL Dictionary of Messages, edition v, dated 20 April 2. IFPS and RPL Dictionary of Messages ICAO Special Edition, edition v, dated August 3. CFMU Handbook - ATFCM Users Manual, ATFM_MAN, Part Edition , March 4. History, background purpose of the manual Reference: GM1 In , the European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC) launched its Safety Assessment of Foreign Aircraft programme (SAFA) to complement the ICAO audits by concentrating on actual aircraft checks at airports ("ramp inspections") aimed at ensuring that.
CFMU REQUIREMENTS URB/URD/_REQ Edition: Released iii REFERENCES 1. IFPS and RPL Dictionary of Messages, edition v, dated 20 April 2. IFPS and RPL Dictionary of Messages ICAO Special Edition, edition v, dated August 3. CFMU Handbook - ATFCM Users Manual, ATFM_MAN, Part Edition , March 4. CFMU REQUIREMENTS (URD) V CFMU REQUIREMENTS (URD) V; CFMU INTERFACE MANUAL FOR ICAO V NATSPG Translation from New, which contains more detailed indications, to Old will loose some of the data provided The specifications require the New indications to be included within RMK/ of the Old format thus no loss of data. The CFMU Interface Manual for ICAO (V) states: It is important to understand that the ‘last notified Off Block Date and Time’ includes implicit modifications of the DOF over the midnight period e.g. a DLA which provides a one hour delay for a flight with an existing EOBT of implicitly modifies the DOF.