Boiler lab manual

ENGINEERING LABORATORY PRACTICAL MANUAL FOR To study the working and construction details of Cochran and Babcock Wilcox Boiler DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Boiler: A steam boiler is a closed vessel in which steam is produced from water by combustion of fuel. 2 BRCM COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY BAHAL, BHIWANI Lab Manual Exp. Title To study low pressure boilers and their accessories and mountings EXP. NO. 1 S PG Lab Semester-4th Page No. Experiment No: 1 AIM: To study Low pressure Boiler and their mountings and www.doorway.rutus: Model of Cochran and Lancashire Boiler Theory: Boiler: A steam boiler is a closed . Boilers are classified on the basis of following - 1. According to contents in the Tube: a) Fire tube boiler: In fire tube boilers, the flue gases pass through the tube and water surround them. b).Water tube boiler: In water tube boiler, water flows inside the tubes and the hot flue gases flow outside the tubes. 2. According to the pressure of.

LABORATORY (MANUAL) Group Member: Laboratory Stamp. Date of Submission: Date of Experiment: Lecturer' Name: Section: EXPERIMENT 1: MARCET BOILER. Objective To observe the relationship between the pressure and temperature for saturated steam. Apparatus Marcet boiler (depicted in Figure 1). No. Description 1. Drain valve 2. Heater 3. Figure 1: Typical boiler system as outlined by Naval school brief. Boiler water is treated with a mixture of Na 2HPO4, commonly called disodium phosphate or DSP, and Na 3PO4, commonly called trisodium phosphate or TSP. This mixture serv es as a buffer to maintain the pH of the boiler water in the region of Working of locomotive boiler. Fuel is place on the grate where it is burned to produce the hot gases. Fire hole is used to feed the fuel. Hot gases which are produce as a result of fuel burning are diverted into fire tube with the help of fire brick arch. Steam produce is collected is the steam drum place at the top of the shell.

CHAPTER TWO: Boiler Operation Maintenance Safety Study Guide Boiler Design and Construction Boiler: A boiler is a closed vessel in which water is heated, steam is generated, superheated or any combination thereof under pressure or vacuum by the direct application of heat from combustible fuels or electricity. The steam produced is used for. PRE-LAB: Complete the pre-lab prior to lab. DISCUSSION - NAVY BOILER WATER TESTS All Naval vessels use boilers to prepare steam. Depending on the type of vessel, the steam from the boilers is needed for a variety of purposes including catapults, propulsion and support activities, such as food preparation. Blow off Cock. 7. Fusible Plug. 8. Super Heater. These are used in the boiler to increase the temperature of steam above its saturation temperature. Passing the steam through a small set of inclined tubes and hot gases over them does this. Super heated steam is absolutely essential for power generation.


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