Page 1 PINPOINT ® pH Controller American Marine Inc. Users Manual 54 Danbury Road Suite Ridgefield, CT U.S.A. Phone/FAX / American Marine Inc. 54 Danbury Road Suite Ridgefield, CT U.S.A. FAX/Phone / American Aquarium Products: Frequently Asked Questions. These are the instructions for the Aquarium Pharmaceuticals pH Test Kit. For the color chart, simply save the picture to your computer, then print TMC AquaRay LED Aquarium Light Smart Control 8 Directions NEW; Available in American Marine Pinpoint pH controller - probe instruction American Marine pH Controller with probe. The probe has dried out, but End date: .
Controllers Regulator/Solenoid Accessories SELCON™ CONCENTRATE Buy Selcon™ Concentrate; FAQs about Selcon™ Concentrate PINPOINT® pH Monitor $ American Marine was the first to introduce a 2 Year Warranty on each and every PINPOINT® Monitor. Achieving the goal of "unique technology at reasonable prices," American Marine has. The PINPOINT ® pH Controller is perfect for the freshwater planted aquarium keeper as well as the serious saltwater hobbyist; Available for VAC or VAC; American Marine Inc. was started in by a devoted aquaculturist who was passionate about quality and precision. Using the most current technology and design, American Marine. With its 24/7 service hotline for marine engines, MAN Engines now provides even * Please note that you may incur costs when ringing the american or german landline number. Customer Benefits nnLess space required thanks to integration of the controller into the iSea box Customer Benefits nnModern multifunction touch screen display.
Control range is digitally adjustable from pH to ; With high input impedance avoids measuring error; Built in SLOPE and CAL. adjust knob,easy for single point or two points pH calibration; Front LED lamp indicate when relay "ON". Choice of wall-mount or hung in installing the controller; Includes a BNC connection for use with a PH Electrode. The PINPOINT® pH Controller is capable of controlling pH within the range of pH 4 through pH After the selection of the pH setpoint you will find that the controller can create a span around this setpoint, both above and below, from about +/- pH unit to +/- pH unit. PINPOINT® pH Controller is an inexpensive yet rugged controller, which includes the appropriate probe and calibration fluids. This device will automate up to 2 electrical devices such as a magnetic solenoid for the addition of CO2 into an aquaculture system or will control 2 separate pumps as in a hydroponic system.