Alessandro High-End Products. The term "high-end" has been used in the home audio market for many years now. Classic circuit design, vacuum tube technology, and scientifically-engineered components are carefully selected and combined to provide an extraordinary listening experience for your enjoyment. When modern audiophile components - such as. Description This is an Alessandro Bias and Matching Meter. Use it to bias your tube amps! Alessandro makes only the very best gear with high end components. Excellent condition. Bias Master™ - TAD, tube tester, with 4 probes. Bias Master™ system BM4 Measures Bias current of the vacuum tubes in your amp. Includes 4 probes and english/german operation manual. The Bias Master™ allows you to monitor the bias current safely and easily. While adjusting the Bias control pot of your amp, the Bias Master™ shows the actual result.
GTILT also supports keyboard input of manual readings. Use of this program is subject to the terms of the software license agreement. detection of possible bias shifts. Page GTILT USER'S MANUAL Version 3 • Supports probes of any base length • Plots in English or Metric units, independent of probe type. a. There is no OFF switch. The meter is always ON. b. Meter goes to sleep mode after 90 seconds of inactivity. c. Touch the meter screen to wake it up: 4 seconds. Nova StatStrip Glucometer General Information, Components and Supplies CWPC GLU Page 3 of 14 v Documents used outside of OMNI are uncontrolled. Agilent B LCR Meter Operation Manual SERIAL NUMBERS This manual applies directly to instruments which has the serial number pre x JP1KD, or rmware revision F or additional important information about serial numbers, read \Serial Number" in Appendix A. Agilent P art No. Printed in JAP AN March Sixth Edition.
I'm biasing a pair of JAN Philips 6V6's in my BF non-rev Deluxe using a Bias Probe, it says between mv in the chart, does that sound right?. Aiken Wombat™bias meter! The Wombat™ bias meter is a compact, innovative solution to allow anyone to properly bias a tube amplifier. This revolutionary biasing meter was the first of its kind to give a digital readout of the actual power dissipated in the output tubes. This is the only truly accurate method of biasing. The Alessandro Bias and Matching Meter This very cool dual test meter lets you regain control over your amp's sonic output. Any time you replace power audio tubes the bias of your amp should be checked and/or adjusted.