Maintain sent and received information according to Air Force records management direc-tives: Air Force Manual (AFMAN) , Management of Records (will convert to AFMAN ); AFI , Records Disposition, Procedures and Responsibilities (will convert to AFI ); and AFMAN , Records Disposition Schedule (will convert to. Air Force Records Officer ACTION TAKEN (NARA USE ONLY) ~ (7. ITEMNO. 8. DESCRIPTION OF ITEMAND PROPOSED DISPOSITION The SF relates to the three rules on the first attached sheet, involving temporary electronic records. Specifically, these three rules are to be added to the following attached tables in AFMAN Table through. All units are responsible for reporting WS3 discrepancies according to Air Force Instruction (AFI) , Investigating and Reporting US Air Force Mishaps. Maintain and dis-pose of records created as a result of prescribed processes in accordance with Air Force Manual (AFMAN) , Records Disposition Schedule (will become AFMAN
Maintain and dispose of records created as a result of pre-scribed processes in accordance with Air Force Manual (AFMAN) , Records Disposition Schedule (will become AFMAN , Volume 4). The Paperwork Reduction Act (44 United States Code [U.S.C.] et seq.) and Air Force Instruction (AFI) , Volume 2, Forms Management Program. Maintain sent and received information according to Air Force records management direc-tives: Air Force Manual (AFMAN) , Management of Records (will convert to AFMAN ); AFI , Records Disposition, Procedures and Responsibilities (will convert to AFI ); and AFMAN , Records Disposition Schedule (will convert to. SECRETARY OF THE AIR FORCE AIR FORCE INSTRUCTION 1 JANUARY Operations records created as a result of prescribed processes are maintained in accordance with AFMAN , Management of Records, and disposed of in accordance with AFMAN , Records Disposition Schedule. The authority to collect and maintain the records.
Records Disposition. Ensure that all records created by this instruction are maintained and dis-posed of IAW AFMAN , Records Disposition Schedule. 2. Psychotherapist-Patient Confidentiality. General Rule. Communications between a patient and a psychotherapist or an assistant to a psy-. requirements: Destroy when the agency determines that the electronic records are superseded, obsolete, or no longer needed for administrative, legal, audit, or other operational purposes. JCS Documents Implemented by the Air Force have the same disposition as the records they document part(s) of the Air Force documentation of the action. Maintain and dispose of records created as a result of pre-scribed processes in accordance with Air Force Manual (AFMAN) , Records Disposition Schedule (will become AFMAN , Volume 4). The Paperwork Reduction Act (44 United States Code [U.S.C.] et seq.) and Air Force Instruction (AFI) , Volume 2, Forms Management Program.