This manual also includes common troubleshooting tasks as well as information needed prior to calling Agilent for service. How to troubleshoot using this manual Use the following steps as a general approach to troubleshooting: 1 Observe the symptoms of the problem. 2 Look up the symptoms in this manual using the Table of Contents or the Search. Agilent A GC can have a maximum of two inlets, identified as Front Inlet and Back Inlet. A complete selection of inlets—split/splitless [0– psi and 0– psi], multimode, purged packed, cool-on-column, programmed temperature vaporization, and volatiles. Agilent A GC. Quick Reference. 1. Introduction. Online User Documentation 8. This document provides an overview of the user information materials that are available for your system as well as a quick reference to the A GC keypad and system installation steps.
well as information needed prior to calling Agilent for service. While this manual describes troubleshooting for Series GCs in general, when describing GC keyboard usage and firmware features, this manual assumes a B GC using firmware B Features that are specific to one GC model only (A or B) are noted. This manual also includes common troubleshooting tasks as well as information needed prior to calling Agilent for service. How to troubleshoot using this manual Use the following steps as a general approach to troubleshooting: 1 Observe the symptoms of the problem. 2 Look up the symptoms in this manual using the Table of Contents or the Search. 12 Triple Quad GC/MS Operation Manual. 1. Introduction. The Series Triple Quad GC/MS. The Series Triple Quad GC/MS is a standalone capillary GC detector for use with the Agilent A Series gas chromatograph. The Triple Quad MS features: • One split flow turbomolecular vacuum pump † Rotary vane foreline pump †.
Agilent A GC can have a maximum of two inlets, identified as Front Inlet and Back Inlet. A complete selection of inlets—split/splitless [0– psi and 0– psi], multimode, purged packed, cool-on-column, programmed temperature vaporization, and volatiles. This manual is written for A GCs using How FID units are displayed in Agilent data systems and on the GC To light the FID flame well as information needed prior to calling Agilent for service. While this manual describes troubleshooting for Series GCs in general, when describing GC keyboard usage and firmware features, this manual assumes a B GC using firmware B Features that are specific to one GC model only (A or B) are noted.