speaking skills by working through the Advanced Communicator Manuals. Each manual consists of five projects ; two different manuals (ten speeches in total) need to be completed for each Advanced Communicator award (Bronze, Silver and Gold). The individual projects focus on a single, specific theme to help Toastmasters improve their communication skills in a particular area. The Advanced Communication manuals train you for different speaking situations that Toastmasters can encounter outside the club environment. You receive 2 free manuals when you complete your CC. Toastmasters provides two educational tracks: a commu-nication track, in which you develop your speaking skills, and a leadership track, in which you develop leadership skills. When you participate in the communication track, you can be recog-nized as an Advanced Communicator Bronze, Advanced Communicator Silver, and Advanced Communicator Gold.
TOASTMASTERS INTERNATIONAL O Humorously www.doorway.ru sca 1/7/09 ADVANCED COMMUNICATION SERIES ADVANCED COMMUNICATION SERIES Public Relations • TOASTMASTERS INTERNATIONAL ADVANCED COMMUNICATION SERIES • • • • Advanced Manuals (). ADVANCED COMMUNICATION SERIES FACILITATING DISCUSSION 4 Assignment #4: HANDLING CHALLENGING SITUATIONS Objectives • Select a problem and ask club members to discuss and resolve it by either a majority vote or by compromise. • Serve as facilitator for a discussion. ADVANCED COMMUNICATION SERIES STORYTELLING 2 Assignment #2: LET'S GET PERSONAL Objectives • To learn the elements of a good story. • To create and tell an original story based on a personal experience. • TIME: 6 to 8 minutes Note to the Evaluator For this project, the speaker was to create and tell a story based on a personal.
speaking skills by working through the Advanced Communicator Manuals. Each manual consists of five projects ; two different manuals (ten speeches in total) need to be completed for each Advanced Communicator award (Bronze, Silver and Gold). Details of the various Advanced Communicator manuals are listed below. There are 15 Advanced Communication manuals each of which includes five speech projects. The individual projects focus on a single, specific theme to help Toastmasters improve their communication skills in a particular area. The Advanced Communication manuals train you for different speaking situations that Toastmasters can encounter outside the club environment. There are 15 Advanced Communication manuals each of which includes five speech projects. The individual projects focus on a single, specific theme to help Toastmasters improve their communication skills in a particular area. The chart below lists.