· Mcculloch Mac Manual Download Trimmers brushcutters | mcculloch garden grass weed McCulloch trimmers and brushcutters Equipped with a McCulloch trimmer or brushcutter, you ll get your garden in perfect shape well in time for the barbecue. View and download the user manual for your McCulloch product. View and download the user manual for your McCulloch product. Change language Discover McCulloch Service Locator Contact International. België (nl) Belgique (fr) Danmark. Deutschland. Eesti. Ελλάδα. España. Français. Italia. Place the MAC on the ground and depress the throttle trigger to full throttle. Grab the starter rope with your dominant hand while holding the throttle down and pull it out about 4 inches until you feel tension in the cord. Rapidly pull the rope straight up four times with a .
Mac Fuel Line Diagram. The trimmer fuel system is now removed, but it is very important to inspect and diagram the fuel line setup before continuing. [Back to top]. HIPA Fuel Air Filter Gas Line Primer Bulb Spark Plug for McCulloch Chainsaw. Fixed a MAC string trimmer with this kit. A video on YouTube explained the hose routing and the. The is a basic model designed for residential use, but it includes a spark-arresting screen and throttle lock. The 's engine is a typical air-cooled, two-cycle engine with a displacement of 28 cc. Mcculloch MAC Pdf User Manuals. View online or download Mcculloch MAC User Manual. Looking to fix your McCulloch? User manuals for s yard equipment tend to be hard to find. Fortunately, the basic operating instructions for a McCulloch MAC string trimmer are similar to those of many similar gas trimmers. Keeping weed trimmers running requires periodic cleaning of external and internal components, proper fuel and oil mix, and using the trimmer only.
Mac Fuel Line Diagram. The trimmer fuel system is now removed, but it is very important to inspect and diagram the fuel line setup before continuing. [Back to top]. HIPA Fuel Air Filter Gas Line Primer Bulb Spark Plug for McCulloch Chainsaw. Fixed a MAC string trimmer with this kit. A video on YouTube explained the hose routing and the. Start a cold McCulloch MAC by placing the trimmer on the ground. Ensure the ignition switch is in the "on" position. Slide the choke lever to the marked "choke" position and press the rubber. View and download the user manual for your McCulloch product.