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The AN/PRC Multiband Manpack Radio, or Multiband Multi Mission Radio (MBMMR), is a man-portable, tactical software-defined combat-net radio, manufactured by Harris Corporation, in two different version. Version F (Foxtrot), namely AN/PRCF-MP Falcon II series, covering the MHz frequency range, provided without internal GPS (optionally an external commercial GPS can be connected. Download Prc f Manual pdf into your electronic tablet and read it anywhere you go. When reading, you can choose the font size, set the style of the paragraphs, headers, and footnotes. In addition, electronic devices show time, allow you to make notes, leave bookmarks, and highlight the quotes. There are many websites where you can download. The Harris AN/PRCF(C) multiband, multimission, manpack radiois an advanced software-defined radio covering the entire 30 to MHz frequency spectrum, providing the warfighter with unsurpassedbattle-proven communications www.doorway.ru AN/PRCF(C) has embedded Communications Security(COMSEC), Transmission Security (TRANSEC) and is fully compatiblewith VINSON, ANDVT/KYV-5, KGC, and

Harris AN PRCF: Frequently viewed Manuals. Midland ALAN A User Manual Operation user’s manual (46 pages) Auna , Manual Manual (66 pages) Radio Shack DX User Manual Operation user’s manual (19 pages) Matsui M1DAB11E Instruction Manual Instruction manual (64 pages). Harris AN PRCF: Frequently viewed Manuals. Marquant User Instructions User instructions (29 pages) Sailor RM Technical Manual Technical manual ( pages) FreeWave FGR3 Series User's Reference Manual User's reference manual ( pages) Denver DAB Manual Manual (4 pages). pub/form number: tm p: pub/form date: 04/15/ pub/form title: technical manual operator and field maintenance manual including repair parts and special tools list for multiband manpack radio an/prcg(v)4(c) (nsn ) (eic 7ea) vehicular system an/vrc(v)3 (nsn ) (eic 7eb) transit case system an/trc(v)1 (nsn ) (eic 7eh).


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