· Family Home Evening on Priesthood Ordinances and Temple Work Bless My Family (June LDS Primary Topic) LDS Sharing Time June Week 3: I can prepare now to be worthy to enter the temple. LDS Sharing Time June Week 2: . Family Home Evening Resource Book This book is a resource for planning family home evenings. It contains 37 lessons and the following other sections: “Making Home Evenings Successful,” “Lesson Ideas,” “Building a Strong Family,” and “Family Activities.”. Family Home Evening Lessons. Lesson One: Building Our Family through Home Evenings. Lesson Two: The Commandments—Gifts from a Loving Father. Lesson Three: The Gospel in Our Daily Lives. Lesson Four: Studying the Scriptures Together. Lesson Five: I Am a Child of God. Lesson Six: Nature—Evidence of Heavenly Father’s Love.
- The first official family home evening manual is released; revised versions are released annually until - The First Presidency designates Monday evening as the time for family home evening. - The Family Home Evening Resource Book is introduced with broader source material and application. According to the LDS church, one cannot masturbate and still enter the temple worthily. Just because an unlearned bishop, ward member, friend, sex therapist etc. doesn't specifically "ask" it in a temple interview, gives permission, or says it's natural and OK, etc., it doesn't mean the LDS church says it's ok. FHE Lesson Tips For Teens Instant Lessons: www.doorway.ru or www.doorway.ru -(menu-family-youth) Watch a video and discuss the topic of how it applies in our lives. www.doorway.ru - Gospel Topic-(This will bring up all the topics in True To The www.doorway.ru has related church magazine articles, videos, scriptures and lesson manuals tied to that topic).
President Thomas S. Monson. “We cannot afford to neglect this heaven-inspired program. The lessons learned in the home are those that last the longest.”. Go to www.doorway.ru and click on home and family and then family home evening. From there you can go to Helps for Family home evening, Lesson topics, activities, or resources. Exploring under these topics, you can learn how to make a family home evening planning wheel so that all family members are involved. The Family: A Proclamation to the World iv. Introduction v. Lessons 1. Sample home evening lessons, including lessons for special occasions and holidays. Making Home Evenings Successful Suggestions for improving your home evenings. Lesson Ideas Ideas for home evening lessons, covering thirty-seven topics. Building a Strong Family