· SERVICE MANUAL AOC LCD TV L32W Atenção Os esquemas disponíveis destinam-se a técnicos ou pessoal qualificado em reparação de equipamentos elétricos que muitas vezes podem ter tensões elevadas, se não está familiarizado com circuitos não tente reparar. · 32″LCD TV AOC L32W 2 Important Safety Notice Proper service and repair is important to the safe, reliable operation of all AOC Company Equipment. The service procedures recommended by AOC and described in this service manual . More than service manuals, schematic diagrams and user’s manuals for AOC TV, AOC Smart TV and AOC monitors are on this page. Without a monitor it is impossible to work at the computer. He shows us all the necessary information. Therefore, if this device fails, it is necessary to repair the AOC monitors. Image quality depends on many factors.
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SERVICE MANUAL AOC LCD TV L32W Atenção Os esquemas disponíveis destinam-se a técnicos ou pessoal qualificado em reparação de equipamentos elétricos que muitas vezes podem ter tensões elevadas, se não está familiarizado com circuitos não tente reparar. L32 w service_manual 1. 32″LCD TV AOC L32W 1 Service Service Service Horizontal Frequency 31~60 kHz TABLE OF CONTENTS Description Page Description Page SAFETY NOTICE ANY PERSON ATTEMPTING TO SERVICE THIS CHASSIS MUST FAMILIARIZE HIMSELF WITH THE CHASSIS AND BE AWARE OF THE NECESSARY SAFETY PRECAUTIONS TO BE USED WHEN SERVICING ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT CONTAINING HIGH VOLTAGES. AOC. LM AOC LM Tft Lcd Monitor Service www.doorway.ru AOC LM Tft Lcd Monitor Service www.doorway.ru 06/03/ AOC LM inch TFT LCD Monitor S.