The Joint Commission offers support and guidance to ambulatory care organizations in the process of implementing our accreditation standards. The CAMAC manual provides you with direct digital access to the elements of performance for ambulatory care standards, National Patient Safety Goals, and Accreditation Participation Requirements (APRs) effective January 1, Standards requirements including the standards, National Patient Safety Goals, and Accreditation Participation Requirements . The Comprehensive Accreditation Manual for Ambulatory Care (CAMAC) provides all the key information your organization needs to power performance improvement and maintain continuous standards compliance. It features the official Joint Commission standards, National Patient Safety Goals, and other accreditation requirements, including standards and .
Comprehensive Accreditation Manual for Ambulatory Care Book Description: The Comprehensive Accreditation Manual for Ambulatory Care (CAMAC) is designed to facilitate selfassessment of your performance against Joint Commission ambulatory health care standards and to help you assess your likely accreditation status prior to an accreditation survey. The Comprehensive Accreditation Manual for Home Care (CAMHC) provides the key information your organization needs to power performance improvement and maintain continuous standards compliance. It features the official Joint Commission standards, National Patient Safety Goals, and other accreditation requirements, including standards and. responsibilities in obtaining and retaining The Joint Commission accreditation and continual readiness with The Joint Commission standards at all Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) medical facilities, ambulatory care facilities and Consolidated Mail Out Pharmacies. NOTE: This directive is not meant to be a comprehensive listing of all.
The Joint Commission offers support and guidance to ambulatory care organizations in the process of implementing our accreditation standards. The Comprehensive Accreditation Manual for Ambulatory Care (CAMAC) provides all the key information your organization needs to power performance improvement and maintain continuous standards compliance. It features the official Joint Commission standards, National Patient Safety Goals, and other accreditation requirements, including standards and elements of performance for the optional Primary Care Medical Home certification. The Comprehensive Accreditation Manual for Ambulatory Care is available for purchase in both hardcover and electronic format. Accreditation Process. The Joint Commission’s accreditation process concentrates on operational systems critical to the safety and quality of patient care. Accreditation awards are valid for three years.