· A gathering place for all Farmall Cub, Cadet owners and tractor enthusiast from all over the world. A place where all are treated equal and ideas are shared freely. I found online a very good copy of the // service manual. Not sure how to get it onto the site. Tractors Owned: Cubs: (3)'49's, (1 is parts), (1)'57 IH Cub LoBoy w. This item: Farmall Cub Tractor Service Manual (Thru ) (IT Shop) $ In Stock. Ships from and sold by Classic Automotive Repair Shop Restoration Manuals. International Farmall Cub Operator's Manual by International Harvester Single Issue Magazine. $/5(6). I T Shop Service Manual. International / Farmall - Fits: [ Cub, Cub Loboy ( up) ], , , This manual includes an electrical wiring diagram. * An IT shop service manual tells you how to take a tractor apart, how to fix it and how to put it back together again.
International / Farmall - Fits: [ Cub, Cub Loboy ( up) ], , , This manual includes an electrical wiring diagram. * An IT shop service manual tells you how to take a tractor apart, how to fix it and how to put it back together again. These are authentic manuals that deal with. Product Number: IH International Cub and Cub Lo-boy Tractors Operators Manual 1 R8 Rev. 6 McCormick Farmall Cub Operator's Manual 1 R2 Rev. (82) McCormick Farmall Cub Tractor Operators Manual Rac 1 R2 Service Repair Manual for International Farmall Cub Cub Lo-Boy Tractor Shop IH IHC Pages Step-By-Step Instructions to Fix and Overhaul $ Loading.
This item: International Farmall Cub Operator's Manual by International Harvester Single Issue Magazine. $ In Stock. Ships from and sold by Peaceful Creek Supply. FREE Shipping. Farmall International Cub and Cub Lo-Boy Tractor Factory Service Repair Manual Revised for (GSS with Revision) by Peaceful Creek Supply. IH-S-CUB IInntteerrnnaattiioonnaall HHaarrvveesstteerr Service Manual Cub Cub Lo-Boy THIS IS A MANUAL PRODUCED BYJENSALES INC. WITHOUT THE AUTHORIZATION OF INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER OR IT’S SUCCESSORS. INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER AND IT’S SUCCESSORS ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THE QUALITY OR ACCURACY OF THIS MANUAL. Farmall Cub | Cub Lo-Boy Service Manual. Written in the language of a mechanic, this Service Manual for Farmall provides detailed information on how to take your Tractor apart, fix it, and put it back together. You will need this manual if your Farmall is broken. Also known as the Repair, Shop, Technical, IT, Overhaul manual.